by | Jun 5, 2019 | The Writing Process

Wellspring House, an outstanding writing retreat

Have sought new environs and fresh inspiration for writing today. After a drive from Ashfield to Montague, I’m now happily encamped at the Lady Killigrew Cafe and amazing Montague Book Mill used book store (their motto: “Books you don’t need in a place you can’t find”) alongside a waterfall on the Sawmill River.

Now I just need to get this thing finished, published, and on the best seller list so someone will pay me to do this full time.

Of course, there it’s not all rainbows and unicorn poop. The drawback to sitting in the shade while writing outside…I’m getting dive-bombed by kamikaze ants falling out of the tree above. Thankfully, none have done the Nestea Plunge into my iced tea yet.